SEI Grad Student Chapter WVU Update
High School Visitation
SEIGSC-WVU participated in high school visitation organized by the Benjamin
M. Statler College of Engineering and Mineral Resources on October 21, 2017.
This event enabled members of SEIGSC-WVU to explain their research experience
to the visiting students and their families, as well as exposing them to some
of the advanced materials used in civil infrastructure.
Majjigapu named national chair of graduate student structural engineering leadership council
Praveen Majjigapu, a doctoral student in civil engineering at West Virginia University, has been named inaugural national chair for the Structural Engineering Institute Graduate Student Chapter Leadership Council. The council represents SEI Graduate Student Chapters at universities across the United States.
West VA University Student Chapter Spring 2016 Update
The SEI Graduate Student Chapter at West Virginia University has been active in several activities this spring. After receiving the national SEI Graduate Student Chapter of the Year Award for 2016, the chapter members have been more motivated to get involved in several events within the campus and the Morgantown community.
WVU structural engineering chapter named national chapter of the year
The Structural Engineering Institute Graduate Student Chapter at West Virginia University has been named the 2016 SEI Graduate Student Chapter of the Year.

SEI West Virginia University Fall 2015 Activities
The Structural Engineering Institute Graduate Student Chapter at West Virginia University (SEIGSC-WVU) participated in Freshman Engineering Visitation on September 24, 2015 on behalf of the Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering (CEE) at West Virginia University (WVU). The visitation was conducted to provide general information about civil engineering, work culture, job prospects, different focus areas, research opportunities etc. to freshman engineering students admitted in Fall 2015.

SEI West Virginia University GSC Conducts High School Visitation Event
As a part of spring semester's activities, the Structural Engineering Institute Graduate Student Chapter at West Virginia University (SEI-GSC, WVU) was actively involved in organizing high school visitation on March 14, 2015 through the Benjamin M. Statler College of Engineering and Mineral Resources. This particular event attracted about 150 high school students along with their families.

SEI West Virginia University Graduate Student Chapter Freshman Visitation
As a part of this spring semester's activities, the Chapter participated in the recent freshman visitation on February 12 and 19, 2015 which was attended by 160 students admitted for spring 2015. The visitation was conducted for providing information about civil engineering as a whole, role and function of a civil engineer, job prospects and areas of focus within CEE Department at WVU. This hour long visitation session had participation of faculty from different specialty areas within the CEE Department
SEI Graduate Student Chapter at West Virginia University Spring 2015 Update
The Structural Engineering Institute Graduate Student Chapter at West Virginia University (SEIGSC at WVU) elected a new executive committee for calendar year 2015. Due to the increased number of activities that were performed during the last year, two new positions - Web Administrator and Publicity and Public Relations Officer - were added to the executive committee